QUARTERLY REPORT 2005-2006 School Year
Rachael XXXXX
D.O.B.: 10/XX/95
Age: 10
Grade: 5
Grading Key : 4 - Advanced 3
- Proficient 2 - Approaching 1 - Below
Effort and Skills: E - Excellent G - Good S
- Satisfactory N - Needs to Improve U - Unsatisfactory X- Not Applicable
Arithmetic: The areas of math covered thus far have
been: word problems fractions decimals percents number lines fact families
factors multiples prime factorization prime numbers geometry times
two digit division, multiplication addition subraction money math time/clocks shopping/grocery
store real-life math
Rachael will be taking a Saxon Math placement test next week in order to
assist in developing a more cohesive mathematics program for her. She continues to struggle with 7 and 8 times tables. She
will continue to work on these basic skills. Grade: 3 (G)
Reading: Rachael demonstrates excellence in his ability
to read with accuracy, appropriate inflection and intonation, and poetic expression. However, she struggles with comprehension.
At times she is able to determine meaning through context, however this is an area where she may continue to struggle due
to her Language- Based Learning Disability. Rachael excels in memorization of vocabulary and spelling assignments,
regularly uses dictionaries to complete work, and reads for pleasure Rachael is nearly finished reading the third
book in the 7-book series of The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis.
In addition to having read the first two books in the series, Rachael has been reading selected poems, Shakespeare (condensed
for children), as well as classic fairy tales and non-fiction articles in National Geographic. She has also read other reference
sources for her Ancient Civilization research project on Babylonia. Upon completion of her research project, Rachael
will post it on her homeschool website. Grade: 3(G)
Spelling: Rachael has completed and mastered fifteen spelling
& vocabulary lists. Rachael corrects misspelled words and rewrites assignments so that spelling is correct throughout
her work. Her memorization skills have helped her excel in this particular area. Grade: 4 (E)
Writing, Grammar & Language Arts: Rachael prints
and writes in cursive daily. Rachael has been developing skills such as note taking, brainstorming, and organizing ideas.
She has posted her ideas, assignments and essays on her internet homeschool webjournal. She has written letters to family
members, and replied to family emails. She has improved her writing abilities by studying proper grammar; parts of speech,
sentence structure, and phrases. Rachael is learning to respond to literature through writing and narration. Literary
devices, such as symbolism, metaphors, allegories, and personifications have been focused on in our current curriculum-a
unit study based on The Chronicles of Narnia. Rachael requires assistance
with refraining from redundancy in her writing & organizing ideas. (Perhaps a carry-over from the PDD?) Grade:
Health & Safety: Rachael has observed bike, scooter,
& skateboard safety with the importance of using knee pads, helmet, etc. She has learned the importance of observing traffic
safety rules pedestrian safety rules as well. She has learned the relevance in
her life of good oral hygiene, cleanliness, eye safety, swimming & boating safety, skin cancer prevention, good nutrition, physical
fitness, and dangers of drug abuse. Grade: 4(E)
History: Rachael has been studying various time periods
in history. Thus far she has studied in ancient history: the fall of Babylon the Great, ancient rulers (Nebuchadnezzar,
Belshazzar, Nabonidus, Cyrus, Darius the Mede), ancient empires (Babylonia, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome). Rachael has been studying
important explorers and their contributions to world history as well as American history: (Leif Ericson, Marco Polo,
Christopher Columbus, Ponce de Leon, Ferdinand Magellan, Fernando de Soto, and Henry Hudson). Moreover, Rachael is aware
of current events and how they effect, or have significant meaning pertaining to our Christian beliefs. She has
studied the history of New York State as well as the industries that fuel New York’s economy. In addition, she has learned
the history of Yellowstone National Park and its Indian culture. When selected reading material necessitated it, Rachael
learned the role WWII played in the setting of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,
the significance of Rosa Park’s contribution to the Civil Rights Movement and of her recent passing. She is currently
working on an in-depth research project on the ancient civilization of Babylonia. Grade: 3 (G)
Science: For science, Rachael has concentrated on the solar
system (planets, stars & constellations, comets, etc.), parts of plant and animal cells, insects, parts of the eye,
the environment, biomes, and weather. She has also completed a Scorpio constellation project identifying stars and associated
Greek myths and has posted this project on her homeschool website. Grade: 3 (G)
Art: Rachael is being taught the principles of art and
design. She has created her own pieces of art in a variety of mediums. She will be posting these on her homeschool website.
Rachael truly enjoys art: creating macrame jewelry, drawing for fun, and painting. She has designed her own t-shirt
and drawn & colored favorite scenes from The Chronicles of Narnia
Books (The Magician’s Nephew, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,
and The Horse and His Boy). She has drawn & colored specific historical events studied to help create
a timeline with her siblings. Rachael equally enjoys self-directed art projects as well as the assigned ones. Rachael
consistently demonstrates hand-eye coordination and artistic expression through her projects. Grade: 4 (E)
Music: Rachael has been taking private guitar and
fiddle lessons with Eric XXXXX from XXXXX Recording studio. In addition to regularly practicing guitar and fiddle, I
am teaching Rachael to play piano. She is excelling in every music assignment, and consistently exhibits natural musical
talent. Grade: 4 (E)
Physical Education: Rachael has participated
in many physical activities including swimming, biking, skateboarding, scootering, basketball, dodgeball, playing outside
and family walks. Grade: 4 (E)
Typing & Computer:
Rachael is excelling at typing with proper hand positioning and appropriate speed and accuracy. Her computer literacy skills
are improving and she demonstrates near-fluency in several programs and internet research to aid in completion of schoolwork,
as well for the purpose of finding information for personal interests. She continues to improve her punctuation skills with
the use of various typing programs. Grade: 4 (E)
Teacher Comments - 1st Quarter
Rachael is progressing at a satisfactory level or above in all subject
matter. She has had no absences from instruction this quarter, and has exceeded the required 225 hours of instruction.
Our homeschool curriculum is right on track as far as the planned material for this quarter, with one exception: I had
expected us to be on book 5 of The Chronicles of Narnia by now. However,
the level of comprehension skills required to fully absorb this literary classic had caused us to take more time in
reading, and re-reading when necessary, key passages in order to gain an accurate understanding of: the plots,
character development throughout the story, analyzation and evaluation of themes central to key ideas conveyed by the
author, biblical significance and historical context of the settings where appropriate. All these factors resulted in extra
time being taken to utilize maps, geography and research of history via internet, encyclopedias, etc., in order to fully appreciate
this literature. Thus, I estimate this series will take until December 31st to complete. The problem was the Scholastic order
was not received in time to begin reading these as initially planned (due to an incorrect shipping address). Once that issue
was resolved, the children dove in head-first and have been a delight in teaching this unit study.
Submitted November 14, 2005 by Daniela