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Rachie's Homeschooling Site

February 1, 2006 - April 25, 2006 Quarterly Report

D.O.B. :  October XX, 1995
Age:  10
Grade:  5
Grading Key:             Effort & Skills
4 - Advanced               E - Excellent                  U - Unsatisfactory
3 - Proficient                G - Good                        X - Not Applicable
2 - Approaching          S - Satisfactory
1 - Below                     N - Needs to Improve
Days of Instruction:  41 (5.4 hrs/day average)
Arithmetic:  The areas of math Rachael continues to study/practice are :
word problems     factors                        2 digit multiplication,division
fractions                multiples                     addition
decimals               prime factorization    subtraction
percents                prime numbers          money math
number lines         geometry                    time/clocks
fact families          times tables                real-life math experiences
squares                 square roots               powers
exponents              factor trees                 palindromes
communitive properties
Rachael no longer struggles with upper times tables. This is due to a publication entitled, “Times Tales: A Trigger Memory System” by J. von Eggers & M.J. Flanagan  & Dena L. Wood. This supplement was a lifesaver to our homeschool curriculum! Now that the times tables have been mastered, Rachael is doing really well with other mathematical concepts. She only continues to struggle in areas where time is concerned. She has been reviewing 3rd, 4th and 5th grade math concepts through Saxon and standardized test review workbooks. The confidence given to her through Times Tales is priceless.  Grade: 3( G)
Reading:  Rachael demonstrates excellence in her ability to read with accuracy, appropriate inflection and intonation, and poetic expression. She continues to struggle with comprehension. Often she is able to determine meaning through context, however this is an area where she may continue to struggle due to her Language Based Learning Disability.  Rachael excels in memorization of vocabulary and spelling assignments, regularly uses dictionaries to complete work, and reads for pleasure.  Rachael has read Hundred Dresses by Eleanor Estes, Wild World of Green by Jeanne Raymond, Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder, If You Traveled West in a Covered Wagon by Ellen Levine, poetry by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and from A Child’s  Anthology of Poetry (Sword & McCarthy) and The Golden Books Family Treasury of Poetry(Untermeyer) in addition to classic fairy tales, scriptures from the Bible, non-fiction articles in National Geographic, and other reference sources for her upcoming research project on Western Frontier.  She is currently reading the 2nd book in the series, Little House on the Prairie in our homeschool as part of our Prairie Primer curriculum. 
Grade: 3 (G)
Spelling: Rachael has completed and mastered ten spelling & vocabulary lists. Rachael corrects misspelled words and rewrites assignments so that spelling is correct throughout her work. Her memorization skills have helped her excel in this particular area.  Grade: 3 (G)
Writing, Grammar & Language Arts: The homeschool curriculum has been integrating the Vocabulary Vine Latin & Greek Roots program, which is challenging and fun. Rachael prints and writes in cursive daily, and her technique is naturally beautiful and neat. Rachael continues to develop skills such as note-taking, brainstorming, and organizing ideas.  She has posted her ideas, assignments and essays on her internet homeschool webjournal. She has typed emails, improved her writing abilities by continuing study of proper grammar; parts of speech, sentence structure, and phrases.  Rachael continues to respond to literature through writing and narration. This quarter she has spent much time on reviewing basic skills and concentrating on content she is expected to be tested on through standardized tests. Grade: 3 (G)
Health & Safety: The focus this past quarter has been on dangers and effects of narcotic drug use, “gate-way”drugs such as marijuana and cigarettes, alcoholism, gambling & other addictions. Also the topics of malaria, West Nile Virus , mosquitoes & importance/impact of eliminating their breeding sites and UV-ray protection from the sun were covered.   Grade: 3(G)
History: Our homeschool has concentrated on The Revolutionary War, The Civil War, WWI & WWII this quarter. The Biblical significance of these wars were studied as well. The class created a timeline of these wars and studied key characters in history such as Winston Churchill, Woodrow Wilson, Hitler, and several U.S. Presidents. The children spent much time on memorizing the map of the United States, as well as the maps of Central and South America. Rachael has been reading the historical fiction of Laura Ingalls Wilder through her Little House on the Prairie series of books.  Grade: 3(G)
Science: The study of electricity & circuits evolved into an ongoing electronics project. Rachael has also learned  taxonomy (classification of living things), studied fossils, types of cells and viewed various cells through microscopes. Other topics investigated were macaque monkeys and how they bond in social groups, their social order (hierarchy), the Blue Nile and the highlands, gorges, surrounding cultures.  Grade: 3 (G)
Art:  Rachael is consistent in her pursuit of creative expression. She enjoys painting and drawing even in her free time, assignments notwithstanding. She created a haiku-inspired tissue-paper watercolor project, which has been posted on her homeschool website. She has also done chinese brush painting, hemp jewelry, and conte crayon drawings.   Grade: 4 (E)
Music:  Rachael continues to practice guitar, piano and fiddle regularly in addition to singing weekly at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses. She has studied the life of famous musician Beethoven. She mastered the Love Story theme song by Francis Lai & Carl Sigman on piano which has been uploaded to her homeschool  website.  Grade: 4 (E)
Physical Education: Rachael has participated in many physical activities including swimming at the XXXX, skateboarding, scootering (during the warm weather), sledding, skiing and aerobics.  Grade: 3(G)
Typing & Computer: Rachael is excelling at typing with proper hand positioning and appropriate speed and accuracy. Her computer literacy skills are yet improving and she demonstrates near-fluency in several programs and internet research to aid in completion of schoolwork, as well for the purpose of finding information for personal interests. She continues to improve her punctuation skills with the use of various typing programs. She is managing her computer files in an organized fashion. Additional skills worked on include: copying, pasting, using key controls, linking, site organizing, weblogging, checking email, using SiteBuilder to prepare for future instruction in XHTML.  Grade: 4 (E)
Teacher Comments - 3rd Quarter
Rachael is progressing at a satisfactory level or above in all subject matter. She has had two absences rom instruction this quarter, due to illness, but has nevertheless completed the required 225 hours of instruction. She shines in art, music, reading, and typing. She was also impressive in her ability to master all the United States and Central and South America on the map tests.  Last quarter I was very concerned about Rachael’s inability to recall her upper times tables math facts. After searching the internet to see if there was something tried and true and I found this remarkable program that literally taught my two youngest children their upper times tables in ONE HOUR OF TIME! This quarter our homeschool received significant help from the Times Tales: A Trigger Memory System by J. von Eggers & M.J. Flanagan  & Dena L. Wood.  This has caused a marked boost in Rachael’s self-confidence. Mastering these basic facts was so key for her to help relieve some of the stress of learning additional concepts that build upon that necessary foundation.
Our homeschool curriculum for the upcoming quarter will include the use and guidance of the Prairie Primer, as it has for this past quarter as well.
Submitted on April 25, 2006 by Daniela