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Rachie's Homeschooling Site

February 1, 2008 - April 1, 2008 Quarterly Report

2007-2008 School Year
Rachael XXXXX
D.O.B.: 10/XX/95
Age: 12
Grade: 7
Grading Key:             Effort & Skills
4 - Advanced               E - Excellent                  U - Unsatisfactory
3 - Proficient                G - Good                        X - Not Applicable
2 - Approaching          S - Satisfactory
1 - Below                     N - Needs to Improve
Days of Instruction:  43
Math: "New York Math A, Semesters 1 & 2" by Merv Edwards, Barron's Review Course Series "Let's Review: Math A" Second Edition are the texts Rachael has been using this past quarter. She has also been studying and preparing for her upcoming standardized testing. Grade: 2 (S)  
Reading: Rachael has been reading selections from The Art of Loving Well: A Character Education Curriculum (Published by The School of Education Boston University) Grade: 4 (E)
Spelling: Rachael excels in spelling, she is a natural at spelling even words that are entirely unfamiliar to her. She has been utilizing Vocabulary Vine for learning greek and latin roots for spelling and vocabulary. Grade: 4 (E)
Writing, Grammar & Language Arts: This is a subject where Rachael shines. She loves to write, her insight when examining literary characters is at times astounding. She has come a long way in her "writing maturity" and it is a joy to read her opinions and the way she supports her opinions through her writing. Her persuasive essays are well-written and thought provoking. Grade:  4 (E)
Health & Safety: Healthy habits for dental care, cleanliness, and emotional well-being were reviewed. Also covered was the reality of sexually transmitted diseases and the advantages (spiritually and physically) of remaining chaste and abstaining until marriage. Grade: 4 (E)
History: We have been following the presidential race and discussing related topics. We began using Barron's Review Course Series "Let's Review" U.S. History and Government this quarter. Grade: 2 (S)
Science:  This past quarter Rachael has begun the Barron's Review Course Series "Let's Review" Chemistry:The Physical Setting, Biology: The Living Environment, and Physics: The Physical Setting Grade: 2 (S)
Art: Rachael is an excellent artist. She was born to draw and she spends hours upon hours drawing and perfecting her eye-hand coordination in drawing the human anatomy, anime characters, and anything else her heart desires. She is light-years ahead of her peers in skill and execution.  She is truly gifted. Grade: 4 (E)
Music: Again, Rachael is a student who is artistically gifted.  Her musical skills just keep improving...she has not expanded her repertoire, but she has improved her performance skills, especially her technique. Grade: 4 (E)
Physical Education: Rachael is a girl who loves to be active and engage in physical activities with her brothers and friends. She exercises on the Total Gym and goes for walks with friends and family. Grade: 4 (E)
Typing & Computer: Rachael has mastered typing and is now concentrating on learning java programming and html coding. Grade:  4 (E)
Teacher Comments - 3rd Quarter
Rachael is every teacher's dream, a wonderful student who cares very much about the entire process of learning and seeking knowledge. She is a perfectionist, and dedicated to improving her skills in every way she can. Her expectations of herself are ambitious, yet realistic according her amazing artistic abilities.
Submitted 2008 by Daniela