QUARTERLY REPORT 2012 - 2013 School Year
Rachael XXXXX
Age: 17
Grading Key:
Effort & Skills
- Advanced E - Excellent U
- Unsatisfactory
3 - Proficient
G - Good X - Not Applicable
- Approaching S - Satisfactory
- Below N - Needs to Improve
Days of Instruction:
Math - Numerical Skills at HVCC
& Math Study Skills at HVCC (doing well in the classes, but has not yet received a final grade) Text used: Basic College
Mathematics; Custom Edition for Hudson Valley Community College by Elayn Martin-Gray. Also using website http://www.pearsonmylab.com
4(E) 20 hrs of math, & approxmately 35 hrs spent on homework..total 55 hrs...received a grade of "A" from the professor
English - English Composition 1
at HVCC (doing well in the class, but has not yet received a final grade) Text used: The Norton Sampler Seventh Edition; Short
Essays for Composition by Thomas Cooley. Also using website http://wwnorton.com/college/english/write/writesite/ 4(E) 15
hrs of english class time & approximately 30 hrs of spent on homework & reading assignments as of 11/16...total 45
hrs...received a grade of "A" from the professor
Computer Science - Texts used for
Introduction to Computer Science: HTML 4 for Dummies 4th Edition by Ed Tittel & Natanya Pitts. Wiley Publishing, Inc.:
Starting Out with Java; From Control Structures through Objects, Third Edition by Tony Gaddis, Pearson Addison Wesley Publishing.
Also using the following websites: http://www.khanacademy.org/science/computer-science?k , http://www.khanacademy.org/cs/tutorials/user-interaction, and http://www.dummies.com/how-to/computers-software/programming/HTML.html
Topics Covered: Java Fundamentals: The Parts of a Java Program, The print and printIn Methods, and the Java API, Variables
and Literals, Primitive Data Types, Arithmetic Operators, Combined Assigments Operators, Conversion Between Primitive Data
Types 2(N) 40 Hours
Physics - Texts used and referenced
throughout this past quarter: Barron's Review Course Series Let's Review: Physics The Physical Setting Third Edition by Miriam
A. Lazar, M.S.and Barron's Regents Exams and Answers: Physics The Physical Setting. Also using website http://www.khanacademy.org/science/physics?k. Topics covered: Forces and Newton's Laws of Motion, Normal Force and Contact Force, Balanced and Unbalanced Forces, Tension,
Inclined Planes and Friction, episodes of Myth Busters, Work and Energy, Conservation of Energy, Work/Energy Problem with
Friction, Springs and Hooke's Law 2(S) 45 hrs
American Civics - Topics Covered: Government's Financial Condition, Gun Control Laws & Controversy, Problems
Facing the Country Today, Racism and Other Forms of Injustice in the American System Website used: http://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/american-civics?k 3(G) 50 hrs including topics covered as well as network news
coverage, watching documentaries on Netflix & InDemand, and Inauguration coverage on TV and Internet
Music: Guitar 4(E) 20 hrs
Art: Drawing & Painting
- computer, pencil, charcoal, watercolors 4(E) 50 hrs
Physical Education:
Elliptical, Working Out at a Local Gym 4(E) 40 hrs
Teacher Comments: The Computer Science
subject continues to be a struggle. Rachael has had a very positive experience with going to community college. She has started
the Spring 2013 semester on January 22nd, taking English Comp 2 and Algebra.
Submitted 2013 by Daniela